Sympatico Settings

If your Internet Service Provider (ussually called your ISP) is Sympatico(Saskatchewan) then here are the proper settings for it and where they are.

Go to "My Computer" - "Dial-up Networking". You should have at least two icons there. One is called "make new connection". The other ones could be called several things. They are icons used to connect to your ISP and anywhere else you use the dial-up networking to get to.

In most cases you will have the "make new connection" icon and one other. That is the one you want. You RIGHT click on it and go down to "properties" at the bottom.

In the first part it asks for a phone number. That is the phone number that your modem uses to dial into Sympatico. The "area code section" should be blank. 13069957000 should be in the other part. The box beside "use area code and dialing properties" should be blank. If it is checked then click on it to uncheck it.

The next part ("connect using") should be done already. It just says what modem you are using. The one connected to your computer is selected I hope.

Then, there are four tabs along the top: "General", "Server types", "scripting" and "multilink". Click on server types. You want your type of dialup server to be PPP :Internet, Windows NT Server, Windows 98. In the "advance options" box you need "enable software compresion" checked. Only that one. In the box at the bottom there are three options. You only need the last one, the TCP/IP one. Then go into the "TCP/IP settings" by using the button.

The first option "server assigned ip address" should be checked. "specify and ip address should not. The "server assigned name and address" should not be checked, "specify name server address" should be checked. It will then give you some boxes to type numbers into. The primary DNS is and the secondary DNS is and there are two more boxes after that. Just leave them at 0. There are two more options below that. Chem 'em both. That's all good. Just click "ok" at the bottom for this screen and the same for the next.Then your back to dialup networking. Just click the x in the top-right corner to get back to your desktop.

Your next step in this journey is to go to the "networking" in the control pannel wich you can get to through "my computer" or the start button and "settings". What you need to have are "Client for Microsoft Networks", "Dial-up Adaptor" and "tcp/ip dialup adaptor".