I have been told that Windows 2000(W2K) is a really good program. My local computer store loaded it in a computer and deleted a bunch of .dll files and rebooted. It came right back. Then they deleted some registry keys and rebooted. It took about 5 minutes but it came back again.

I don't have the same opinion of it. It won't let me connect to the internet or to my other computer. It doesn't recognise things as well as Windows 98. It is probably somewhat like all the other versions of Windows NT. It is hard to learn but better after that...

-- I have been working with it for a while now and I can honestly say that it is really cool. It is by far the best OS that MS has ever pulled together. The problems that I have are that it requires 64 Mb of memory to run. That severly limits the computers that it can run on. Almost all of the new computers that you will buy today have 64 (or more) Mb of memory but what about the 486s that people buy 'cause they are so fun to play around with? Those usually have 16 Mb of memory or less. I have two computers right now. One of them can run W2k. It is a Hewlet-Packard (never again) and so upon instalation, W2K does not always recognize my com ports and never recognizes my modem. That part is neglegable. I can download a W2K driver for my modem and get it working. The problem is still the com ports. The point of that series of rambling was to say that W2K is really cool but it is not perfect and is NOT for the average user.